Seriously. What are these people thinking?
Okay, first of all, does the McCain campaign really think that putting Sarah Palin on the ticket automatically garners women voters?
Second of all, doesn't he remember what Karl Rove did to him? Oh, wait, yeah, he probably did!
Third of all, how completely idiotic do these people think we are? Doesn't the fact that everything politicians say is saved forever on tape mean anything to them? McCain makes crass jokes about Hillary Clinton and, worse, Chelsea Clinton, and the DEMOCRATS are sexist? He uses the crudest of all possible profanities directed AT HIS WIFE and accuses Barack Obama of some kind of perversion by taking a plan that would WARN CHILDREN ABOUT PREDATORS and putting it in a sleazy negative ad.
My friends who live in other countries are flabbergasted at the thought that Americans would seriously consider voting for someone who avoids talking about issues and insists on throwing out falsehoods instead. They can't believe that he chose a completely unqualified running mate after meeting her exactly ONCE and then calling her his "soul mate."
You know, eight years ago, I seriously thought I might have voted for John McCain, because he appeared to be truly a maverick, as opposed to GWB. Would he have been a better President than George Bush? Who knows? But when I see the pathetic transformation he has gone through to gain the support of the party, I'm thoroughly disgusted.
Is Obama the perfect solution? Of course not. Who is? But he is smart enough to know how to seek out the right people to advise him. McCain is being advised by Karl Rove, who has been charged with contempt of Congress and is one of the most nauseating characters in the history of American politics.
I love this country; I really do. But I think we deserve better than this. Mr. McCain suffered for a couple of years in a Vietnam prison camp - I'm sorry for that. But it doesn't qualify him for being President. He was a less than mediocre student at Annapolis and would NOT have become a Congressman without that unfortunate camp experience. He grew up the privileged son and grandson of admirals, a man who came home to a wife who was no longer attractive to him because of horrific car accident. He betrayed her with other women, including beginning a relationship with his current wife while still married to the first one.
Let's see: Senator Biden lost his wife and baby daughter in a car accident, commuted every day from Wilmington to Washington to maintain a stable home for his sons, and has been married to his second wife for 30+ years. Senator Obama and his wife are clearly devoted to each other. But the Republican party calls themselves the defenders of the family and marriage. Right.
Give me a break. I'm grossed out beyond words.
I came across this article today discussing Palin/Giuliani/the RNC's ridicule of Obama's record of community organizing, yet another example of this backwards self-satisfaction I keep seeing from the GOP lately. As one commenter put it: "Jesus was a community organizer; Pontius Pilate was a governor."
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