It's officially spring, and there are some greenish tinges to the trees, but I'm impatient.
I'm always this way in late March/early April: tapping my toes, waiting for the dead looking trees and thatch-y grass to brighten up. It makes me think about primitive man and how he must have wondered after every winter whether the sun would warm things up again. How excited he must have been to see those first little buds!
Not that I'm eager to cut grass, but in a way, I am. I'm not a big gardener, but I'll probably plant at least some impatiens (but not until after Mother's Day, you know) - maybe I'll stick some pansies in the urns on my front porch. And when I can open the windows, I'll be one happy camper!
And it's just hours until the Phillies open their season, which is the best indicator of spring there is!