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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Isn't technology grand?

I recently began learning about how to use Moodle, described as a "course management" tool that allows a teacher to present all kinds of wonderful content and interactive stuff on line. I'm using it with my Creative Writing club and the possibilities are endless. I'm able to set up forums for the students to post their work and have their peers give feedback; they can have threaded discussions to talk about anything from how to be published to their favorite words to use in writing poetry.

It makes me wonder, though, if we lose something when it is so easy to interact online. When we had our first club meeting on Monday, I watched over 20 kids sitting at computers tapping away like mad and NO ONE WAS TALKING even thought they were in the same room. What's good is that these kids are doing what they love - writing creative prose and poetry - and this gives them a "community" to share their interest. I'm going to have to make an effort to get them to TALK - for real - at our meetings. We'll have small group discussions, based on genres (they love fantasy).

Part of me doesn't want to contribute to having kids sequestered in their rooms communing with their keyboards, but the other part of me feels good about kids finding an outlet for their passion.


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